Thursday, 17 April 2008

American incredulity reaches new highs..

After hearing the vociferations of the late Charlton Heston, a few years ago, advocating the widespread assumption and utilisation of firearms for all Americans it made me wonder what sort of social lows a country is capable of. Part of his famous - and undeniably perculiar - ideology was that had students in the University massacres (of the past 20 years) had firearms of their own, the extent of damage would've been limited or would not have occured at all. This is a crazy way to think! The proliferation of firearms is the cause - not the cure!

Anyway, reading this story earlier made me realise that America[ns] are beyond all rationality. Sanctioning the accompaniment of firearms for Students in school is insane!

I dread the next University massacre [like Columbine etc.] when the perpetrator will have the legal right to have the very weapon with him that disposes of the unfortunately proximate students and teachers.

I'm astounded. Unbelievable American stupidity is stonger than ever.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Clichés, I suppose, are inherently irritating.
Neighbourly discourse is inherently irritating.
Today I suffered a quip brimming with both.

My morning was spent hoovering my beloved BMW. Halfway through, my neighbour - who resides opposite - came out of his house, looked over at me intently (precipitating my turning and hang an ear out the car) and yelled "You can do mine after if you want". I realise this constitutes the most trivial of social annoyances but why say it all?! Simply say 'Good morning' or nothing at all!

His ridiculous comment in turn forces the 'idiotic social reflex' in me; where I either smile and fake a little laugh at his ground-breaking sense of humour or, worse, I try to think of something equally lazy and unnecessary to say in return. I fell victim of the latter and retorted "I'd love to, but I've got No.s 14, 16 and 18 to do yet". Oh, the shame.

Clichés - the choice of neighbours everywhere for passer-by bubblegum vernacular. Bah.


This isn't a new genre of mind-melting music but the vision (in prototype) of Dutch designers/futurists showing how we might live in the next decade.

It's like Grand Designs meets Apple ihouse!

Anyway, this is one house that's right down my street! See it here.