Friday, 26 October 2007


I will get back to atoms - this is just an interim posting!

I was pleased to see that the dispicable chap mentioned in a previous entry got his judicial desserts today by being sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. In the circumstances, I think apportioning any tariff to his inhuman and degrading actions is very tricky but I think something close to the correct outcome was achieved.

In other news today, I saw this story. They say there's nowt as queer as folk - where, may I ask, do Americans rank then?! The purchaser of this 6-figure $ 'piece' really does need to have a word with himself - absolute madness!

Finally (to complete my news-based blog entry), it was unfortunately coincidental for russell Watson to be rushed to hospital with a haemorraging brain tumour in the very week the world is encouraged to recognise International Brain Tumour Awareness week. I have to wish him the best - he's had a rocky ride with brain tumours, poor chap.

Oh, and en-cee, my "Cosmos - Carl Sagan" book arrived yesterday. I'll dig in properly next week ;)

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