Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Astronomy lecture in Cambridge

I've just arrived home from an evening lecture at Cambridge University's Institute of Astronomy on the Crab Nebula. It was incredibly interesting but I won't bore you with it's detail here.. rather..
1. People do lots of complaining (myself included) about public provision, juvenile boredom etc. This was free, very interesting, accompanied by a coffee and thoroughly enlightening. The lecture hall was - like space itself, very sparsely populated - by the odd listener. I find it a great shame that so few people embrace the opportunities on offer.
2. It has served to invigourate my appetite for all things cosmological/astronomical. is it a bad thing that I want to know everything?! I seem to find anything interesting and crave a greater understanding and knowledge of everything I encounter - be it in life, books, television, conversation - whatever.

How much time is it okay to spend 'learning'? By learning, I mean pro-actively seeking greater knowledge of a subject; not, for instance, simply gleaning information from casual discourse. At the moment, I could gladly embark on a choice of 7 or 8 degree courses - the only link between them being greater acquisition of knowledge. Perhaps I'm addicted?!

Anyway.. three cheers for projects such as the Institutes Astronomy lecture tonight. And long may they continue anmd attract worthy numbers to enjoy..

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