Monday, 10 December 2007

Jimmy Carr - Offender

Jimmy Carr was spot on! Very enjoyable indeed.

There are two things I like about his stand-up style and material.
Firstly - like Ricky Gervais - he makes you laugh instinctively and then question whether or not you should be laughing.. I don't like to get too caught up in political correctness in comedy and Jimmy Carr makes very few concessions in this regard. Cleverly, he often makes tacit references towards contentious areas of 'comedy' but rarely does it to offend - he more appeals to your darker humour and rouses an otherwise socially-dormant humour which so many of us have.

Secondly, I like his word-play comedy. I wish I had a better memory that I could quote a few examples here but I'm sure those of you familiar with his work will know what I mean.

Anyway - I thoroughly recommend it.


Nigel said...

>Socially-dormant humour

Hmm. Sounds painful.

I like this sort of stuff, too - things that are astutely observational, but don't need to scream at you. That said, I like surreal/off-the-wall stuff, too.


John Going Gently said...

I like Jimmy Carr, although ( apologise for sounding like Victor Meldrew)I think he swears too much

MrGeeza said...

My surreal comedy sides lends itself to League of Gentlemen, Nighty Night etc. My friends think I'm a tad weird!

John - I totally agree that a lot of his foul language is entirely gratuitous and unnecessary for the performance. That said, I'm not really bothered/shocked/offended by swearing. I do find the excessive use of [pause] "c*nt" a little tedious - but that goes for all comedians who use it.