Monday 26 May 2008

Interesting changes...

Parliament this week will be repealing parts of half-century old legislation which will make the practise of mediumship and clairvoyance subject to much closer scrutiny and potential prosecution for misrepresentation.

I am highly sceptical of all things 'ghost 'n ghouly' and I support the introduction of such legislative measures. More significantly, though, I wonder how far the provisions outlined will be challenged and stretched.

The legislation will force purveyors of paranormal services to advertise their expertise as "entertainment only" to prevent 'unsuspecting' punters from being lulled into thinking that chatting with the deceased is a dependable scientific practise. Most customers visiting clairvoyants probably share the consultant's belief in it's credibility so the legislative changes will largely have no effect on either party.

I do wonder, however, if aggreived mediums will pursue legal challenges against the legislation's application: citing - for instance - religious practitioners and a necessity for them to prove the existance of a god to vindicate their particular vocational persuasion.

I await Clairvoyants v. God at the Old Bailey...

1 comment:

Nigel said...

Generally agree. Whilst I don't share your fear of 'ghosts and ghoulies' (I love having my Tarot done, personally), I agree with your second point. I would also add that this is nothing more than the tacit and uncritical quasi-Christianisation of public policy we have come to expect from Nu Labor [sic].